Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | March 28, 2019 <!– <!– computational storage Computational storage is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that has to move between the storage plane and the compute plane. The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…


Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | March 28, 2019 <!– <!– computational storage Computational storage is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that has to move between the storage plane and the compute plane. The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…


Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | March 28, 2019 <!– <!– computational storage Computational storage is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that has to move between the storage plane and the compute plane. The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…


Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | March 28, 2019 <!– <!– computational storage Computational storage is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that has to move between the storage plane and the compute plane. The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…


Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | March 28, 2019 <!– <!– computational storage Computational storage is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that has to move between the storage plane and the compute plane. The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…


Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | March 28, 2019 <!– <!– computational storage Computational storage is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that has to move between the storage plane and the compute plane. The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…


Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | March 28, 2019 <!– <!– computational storage Computational storage is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that has to move between the storage plane and the compute plane. The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…


Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | March 28, 2019 <!– <!– computational storage Computational storage is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that has to move between the storage plane and the compute plane. The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…


Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; 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The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…


Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.Sxz=!!window.Sxz;try{(function(){(function LJ(){var L=!1;function z(L){for(var S=0;L–;)S+=_(document.documentElement,null);return S}function _(L,S){var z="vi";S=S||new I;return oJ(L,function(L){L.setAttribute("data-"+z,S.OS());return _(L,S)},null)}function I(){this.iz=1;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz;this.SL=null;this.OS=function(){this.SL=this.SO+this.Ll;if(!isFinite(this.SL))return this.reset(),this.OS();this.SO=this.Ll;this.Ll=this.SL;this.SL=null;return this.Ll};this.reset=function(){this.iz++;this.SO=0;this.Ll=this.iz}}var JJ=!1; function S(L,S){var z=document.createElement(L);S=S||document.body;S.appendChild(z);z&&z.style&&(z.style.display="none")}function lJ(S,z){z=z||S;var _="|";function I(L){L=L.split(_);var S=[];for(var z=0;z<L.length;++z){var JJ="",lJ=L[z].split(",");for(var OJ=0;OJ<lJ.length;++OJ)JJ+=lJ[OJ][OJ];S.push(JJ)}return S}var lJ=0,oJ="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";oJ.split(_);oJ=I(oJ);oJ=new RegExp(oJ.join(_), "g");while(oJ.exec(S))oJ=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),L&&(JJ=!0),++lJ;return z(lJ&&1)}function oJ(L,z,_){(_=_||JJ)&&S("div",L);L=L.children;var I=0;for(var lJ in L){_=L[lJ];try{_ instanceof HTMLElement&&(z(_),++I)}catch(oJ){}}return I}lJ(LJ,z)})();var zJ=17;try{var sJ,iJ,IJ=l(106)?1:0;for(var Jl=(l(505),0);Jl<iJ;++Jl)IJ+=(l(199),3);sJ=IJ;window.ll===sJ&&(window.ll=++sJ)}catch(Ll){window.ll=sJ}var ol=!0;function O(J,L){J+=L;return J.toString(36)} function sl(J){var L=61;!J||document[Z(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]&&document[s(L,179,166,176,166,159,166,169,166,177,182,144,177,158,177,162)]!==O(68616527605,L)||(ol=!1);return ol}function s(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[];for(var _=1;_oL&&(l(509)?6E5:712826)>J-OL)return sl(!1);var L=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+Lo<J);OL=J;ZL||(ZL=!0,lo(function(){ZL=!1},l(805)?0:1));return L}Oo();var zo=[l(708)?26335757:17795081,l(811)?2147483647:27611931586,l(191)?1558153217:1151556784]; function Zo(J){var L=30;J=typeof J===s(L,145,146,144,135,140,133)?J:J[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)](l(671)?50:36);var z=window[J];if(!z[s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)])return;var _=""+z;window[J]=function(J,L){ZL=!1;return z(J,L)};window[J][s(L,146,141,113,146,144,135,140,133)]=function(){return _}}for(var so=(l(278),0);sooL&&(l(317)?6E5:328506)>L-OL?z=sl(!1):(z=sl(ZL&&!sL&&OL+LoJ}function Z(J){var L=arguments.length,z=[],_=1;while(_>b>>0}; })(); //]]> @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | March 28, 2019 <!– <!– computational storage Computational storage is an information technology (IT) architecture in which data is processed at the storage device level to reduce the amount of data that has to move between the storage plane and the compute plane. The lack of movement facilitates real-time data analysis and improves performance by reducing input/output bottlenecks. In many respects, a computational storage device may look just like every other solid state drive (SSD). Some products have a large number of NAND flash memory devices that actually store the data, a controller that manages writing the data to the flash devices and random access memory (RAM) to provide a read/write buffer. What is unique about computational storage devices is the inclusion of one or more multi-core processors. These processors can be used to perform many functions, from indexing data as it enters the storage device to searching the contents for specific entries to providing support for sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Computational storage products and services are starting to appear on the market and the ability to integrate them is still in the early stages of development. However, with the growing need to store and analyze data in real-time, the market is expected to grow very quickly. As of this writing, computational storage can be implemented by using one of two key products currently being defined by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Computational Storage Technical Working Group (TWG): Computational Storage Drive (CSD): a device that provides compute services in the storage system and supports persistent data storage — including NAND flash or other non-volatile memory. Computational Storage Processor (CSP): a device that provides compute services in the storage system, but cannot store data on any form of persistent storage. The ability to provide compute services at the device level was not truly available until the adoption rate of SSDs was in place, because traditional storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) and tape drives are not able to process the data locally like an intelligent computation storage is capable…
