Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }


Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }


Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }


Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }


Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }


Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }


Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }


Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }


Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }


Business Technology Research from TechTarget

Business Technology Research from TechTarget body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important;} body, table, td {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;} a {color: #008bc1 !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* CLIENT-SPECIFIC STYLES */ body {margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} body, table, td, a{-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;} /* Prevent WebKit and Windows mobile changing default text sizes */ a {color: #003bac !important;text-decoration: underline !important;} a:hover {color: #000 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} table, td{mso-table-lspace: 0pt; mso-table-rspace: 0pt;} /* Remove spacing between tables in Outlook 2007 and up */ img{-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} /* Allow smoother rendering of resized image in Internet Explorer */ /* RESET STYLES */ img{border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none;} table{border-collapse: collapse !important;} body{height: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important;} .ReadMsgBody {width: 100%;} .ExternalClass {width:100%;} .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div {line-height: 100%;} span.preheader { display: none !important; } /* iOS BLUE LINKS */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: #008bc1 !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]:hover {color: #005272 !important;text-decoration:underline !important;} /* ANDROID CENTER FIX */ div[style*=”margin: 16px 0;”] { margin: 0 !important; } *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 243px; } /* These are our tablet/medium screen media queries */ @media screen and (max-width: 525px){ /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”hide”] {display:none !important;} /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”100p”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} *[class=”mobile-block”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.2em !important;padding-left:0 !important;font-size:19px !important;} *[class=”mobile-date”] {display:block !important;width:100% !important;border: none !important;line-height:1.5em !important;padding-left:0 !important;padding-top:2px;font-size: 13px !important;} /* Centers content on mobile */ *[class=”center”] {text-align:center !important; width:100% !important; height:auto !important;} /* Changes padding for sections on mobile */ *[class=”mobile-section”] {width:100% !important; height:auto !important;padding-top: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 0 !important;} /* mobile header */ *[class=”mobile-header”] {padding-top: 7px !important;padding-bottom: 7px !important;} } @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){ /* This sets elements to 100% width and fixes the height issues too, a god send */ *[class=”mobile-title”] {font-size:24px !important;} *[class=”mobile-summary”] {font-size: 18px !important; line-height:1.3em !important;} *[class=”mobile-button”] {width:100%; min-width:280px !important; max-width: 600px !important;} *[class=”mobile-button-container”] { width: 100% !important; } /* Hide stuff */ *[class=”mobile-hide”] {display:none !important;} } The latest white papers, case studies and product information Business Technology Research     October 23, 2019 IN THIS ISSUE Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked What to know before using iPaaS 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps What does organizational agility really mean? Beginner’s guide to DevOps: It’s not too late to start SPONSORED BY: Trend Micro, Inc. Being brand new to DevOps is intimidating. After all, its methodology alters the traditional definitions of software development, deployment, and even security. Jump into this E-Guide to build a rock-solid foundation for your first forays into the DevOps world. Read More Read More 3 no-code and low-code myths debunked SPONSORED BY: Crowd Machine The following post will set the record straight and debunk the three most common myths about no-code and low-code platforms. Read it here to separate fact from fiction and to get an objective take on what these platforms are capable of. Read More Read More What to know before using iPaaS SPONSORED BY: TIBCO The different forms of application integration, EAI/ESB, point-to-point, file export and import, etc., all have their place depending on your requirements. But before making a decision for your integration needs, consult this guide on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) find what will work best for you. Read More Read More 6 challenges to overcome for successful DevOps SPONSORED BY: JFrog DevOps speeds the delivery of quality software by reducing friction as it moves between stages and stakeholders for testing, evaluation, and release. To learn why a binary repository manager is essential to overcoming the speed bumps typically encountered in software delivery pipelines, click here. Read More Read More What does organizational agility really mean? SPONSORED BY: ServiceNow Organizational agility, a methodology similar to agile, has recently become more important as organizations seek to be more ready and able to adapt to quickly changing operating environments. Open this whitepaper to learn how to get started with adopting organizational agility and the benefits you could see. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }
