Events Unlimited is a one stop shop for all events. We provide services such as: Venue Food and alcohol Servers Events Planning and Day of Co-ordination

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | June 6, 2019 <!– <!– single sign-on (SSO) Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials (such as name and password) to access multiple applications. In a basic web SSO service, an agent module on the application server retrieves the specific authentication credentials for an individual user from a dedicated SSO policy server, while authenticating the user against a user repository such as a lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) directory. The service authenticates the end user for all the applications the user has been given rights to and eliminates further prompts when the user switches applications during the same session. Google, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook all offer popular SSO services that allow an end user to log into a third-party application with their social media authentication credentials. Although social single sign-on is a convenience to users, it can present security risks because it creates a single point of failure that can be exploited by attackers. Many security professionals recommend that end users refrain from using social SSO services altogether, because once an attacker gains control over a user’s SSO credentials, they will be able to access all other applications that use the same credentials. Apple recently unveiled its own single sign-on service and is positioning iit as a more private alternative to the SSO options provided by Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The new offering, which will be called Sign In with Apple, is expected to limit what data third-party services can access. Apple’s single sign-on (SSO) will also enhance security by requiring users to use two-factor authentication on all Apple ID accounts to support integration with Face ID and Touch ID on iOS devices. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "SSO technologies are popular because they improve productivity and reduce the possibility that employees will use easy-to-crack passwords." – Rick Krohn <!– <!– Trending Terms   LDAP Kerberos SAML identity governance two-factor authentication multifactor authentication <!– <!– Learning Center   Apple single sign-on option promises privacy for users The newly announced Apple single sign-on service is positioned as a more privacy-focused alternative to other social SSO options from Google and Facebook. But experts are unsure how well it will do in enterprises. How does a SAML vulnerability affect single sign-on systems? A SAML vulnerability enables attackers to bypass SSO systems from five vendors, though the issue lies in the implementation and not the protocol itself. Learn how it works and how to defend against…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | June 6, 2019 <!– <!– single sign-on (SSO) Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials (such as name and password) to access multiple applications. In a basic web SSO service, an agent module on the application server retrieves the specific authentication credentials for an individual user from a dedicated SSO policy server, while authenticating the user against a user repository such as a lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) directory. The service authenticates the end user for all the applications the user has been given rights to and eliminates further prompts when the user switches applications during the same session. Google, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook all offer popular SSO services that allow an end user to log into a third-party application with their social media authentication credentials. Although social single sign-on is a convenience to users, it can present security risks because it creates a single point of failure that can be exploited by attackers. Many security professionals recommend that end users refrain from using social SSO services altogether, because once an attacker gains control over a user’s SSO credentials, they will be able to access all other applications that use the same credentials. Apple recently unveiled its own single sign-on service and is positioning iit as a more private alternative to the SSO options provided by Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The new offering, which will be called Sign In with Apple, is expected to limit what data third-party services can access. Apple’s single sign-on (SSO) will also enhance security by requiring users to use two-factor authentication on all Apple ID accounts to support integration with Face ID and Touch ID on iOS devices. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "SSO technologies are popular because they improve productivity and reduce the possibility that employees will use easy-to-crack passwords." – Rick Krohn <!– <!– Trending Terms   LDAP Kerberos SAML identity governance two-factor authentication multifactor authentication <!– <!– Learning Center   Apple single sign-on option promises privacy for users The newly announced Apple single sign-on service is positioned as a more privacy-focused alternative to other social SSO options from Google and Facebook. But experts are unsure how well it will do in enterprises. How does a SAML vulnerability affect single sign-on systems? A SAML vulnerability enables attackers to bypass SSO systems from five vendors, though the issue lies in the implementation and not the protocol itself. Learn how it works and how to defend against…

Thank You for Contacting Unique Venues

Hello Yinka! Thank you for your interest in Unique Venues. For over 30 years, we’ve been connecting meeting and event planners with non-traditional venues. Our goal is simple…to provide venues with unparalleled inbound and outbound marketing services to gain exposure and grow their business in a crowded marketplace. Please take some time to review our marketing packages. We’ve worked hard to make sure that there is an option for every budget. Let us show you the ropes through our services. Be sure to sign up for a short 15-minute meeting with a Marketing Advisor to learn more. Your Marketing Advisor is Jeanne Feathers. You Belong Here, Chuck Salem, CEO Unique Venues MEET JEANNE FEATHERS Jeanne comes with extensive experience in the meeting and events industry and she can help advise you on what package is best for the exposure you’re looking for. Schedule your meeting today! STAY CONNECTED

Thank You for Contacting Unique Venues

Hello Yinka! Thank you for your interest in Unique Venues. For over 30 years, we’ve been connecting meeting and event planners with non-traditional venues. Our goal is simple…to provide venues with unparalleled inbound and outbound marketing services to gain exposure and grow their business in a crowded marketplace. Please take some time to review our marketing packages. We’ve worked hard to make sure that there is an option for every budget. Let us show you the ropes through our services. Be sure to sign up for a short 15-minute meeting with a Marketing Advisor to learn more. Your Marketing Advisor is Jeanne Feathers. You Belong Here, Chuck Salem, CEO Unique Venues MEET JEANNE FEATHERS Jeanne comes with extensive experience in the meeting and events industry and she can help advise you on what package is best for the exposure you’re looking for. Schedule your meeting today! STAY CONNECTED

Thank You for Contacting Unique Venues

Hello Yinka! Thank you for your interest in Unique Venues. For over 30 years, we’ve been connecting meeting and event planners with non-traditional venues. Our goal is simple…to provide venues with unparalleled inbound and outbound marketing services to gain exposure and grow their business in a crowded marketplace. Please take some time to review our marketing packages. We’ve worked hard to make sure that there is an option for every budget. Let us show you the ropes through our services. Be sure to sign up for a short 15-minute meeting with a Marketing Advisor to learn more. Your Marketing Advisor is Jeanne Feathers. You Belong Here, Chuck Salem, CEO Unique Venues MEET JEANNE FEATHERS Jeanne comes with extensive experience in the meeting and events industry and she can help advise you on what package is best for the exposure you’re looking for. Schedule your meeting today! STAY CONNECTED

Thank You for Contacting Unique Venues

Hello Yinka! Thank you for your interest in Unique Venues. For over 30 years, we’ve been connecting meeting and event planners with non-traditional venues. Our goal is simple…to provide venues with unparalleled inbound and outbound marketing services to gain exposure and grow their business in a crowded marketplace. Please take some time to review our marketing packages. We’ve worked hard to make sure that there is an option for every budget. Let us show you the ropes through our services. Be sure to sign up for a short 15-minute meeting with a Marketing Advisor to learn more. Your Marketing Advisor is Jeanne Feathers. You Belong Here, Chuck Salem, CEO Unique Venues MEET JEANNE FEATHERS Jeanne comes with extensive experience in the meeting and events industry and she can help advise you on what package is best for the exposure you’re looking for. Schedule your meeting today! STAY CONNECTED

Thank You for Contacting Unique Venues

Hello Yinka! Thank you for your interest in Unique Venues. For over 30 years, we’ve been connecting meeting and event planners with non-traditional venues. Our goal is simple…to provide venues with unparalleled inbound and outbound marketing services to gain exposure and grow their business in a crowded marketplace. Please take some time to review our marketing packages. We’ve worked hard to make sure that there is an option for every budget. Let us show you the ropes through our services. Be sure to sign up for a short 15-minute meeting with a Marketing Advisor to learn more. Your Marketing Advisor is Jeanne Feathers. You Belong Here, Chuck Salem, CEO Unique Venues MEET JEANNE FEATHERS Jeanne comes with extensive experience in the meeting and events industry and she can help advise you on what package is best for the exposure you’re looking for. Schedule your meeting today! STAY CONNECTED

Thank You for Contacting Unique Venues

Hello Yinka! Thank you for your interest in Unique Venues. For over 30 years, we’ve been connecting meeting and event planners with non-traditional venues. Our goal is simple…to provide venues with unparalleled inbound and outbound marketing services to gain exposure and grow their business in a crowded marketplace. Please take some time to review our marketing packages. We’ve worked hard to make sure that there is an option for every budget. Let us show you the ropes through our services. Be sure to sign up for a short 15-minute meeting with a Marketing Advisor to learn more. Your Marketing Advisor is Jeanne Feathers. You Belong Here, Chuck Salem, CEO Unique Venues MEET JEANNE FEATHERS Jeanne comes with extensive experience in the meeting and events industry and she can help advise you on what package is best for the exposure you’re looking for. Schedule your meeting today! STAY CONNECTED

Thank You for Contacting Unique Venues

Hello Yinka! Thank you for your interest in Unique Venues. For over 30 years, we’ve been connecting meeting and event planners with non-traditional venues. Our goal is simple…to provide venues with unparalleled inbound and outbound marketing services to gain exposure and grow their business in a crowded marketplace. Please take some time to review our marketing packages. We’ve worked hard to make sure that there is an option for every budget. Let us show you the ropes through our services. Be sure to sign up for a short 15-minute meeting with a Marketing Advisor to learn more. Your Marketing Advisor is Jeanne Feathers. You Belong Here, Chuck Salem, CEO Unique Venues MEET JEANNE FEATHERS Jeanne comes with extensive experience in the meeting and events industry and she can help advise you on what package is best for the exposure you’re looking for. Schedule your meeting today! STAY CONNECTED

Thank You for Contacting Unique Venues

Hello Yinka! Thank you for your interest in Unique Venues. For over 30 years, we’ve been connecting meeting and event planners with non-traditional venues. Our goal is simple…to provide venues with unparalleled inbound and outbound marketing services to gain exposure and grow their business in a crowded marketplace. Please take some time to review our marketing packages. We’ve worked hard to make sure that there is an option for every budget. Let us show you the ropes through our services. Be sure to sign up for a short 15-minute meeting with a Marketing Advisor to learn more. Your Marketing Advisor is Jeanne Feathers. You Belong Here, Chuck Salem, CEO Unique Venues MEET JEANNE FEATHERS Jeanne comes with extensive experience in the meeting and events industry and she can help advise you on what package is best for the exposure you’re looking for. Schedule your meeting today! STAY CONNECTED