Events Unlimited is a one stop shop for all events. We provide services such as: Venue Food and alcohol Servers Events Planning and Day of Co-ordination

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .col, [owa] .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } //<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.jXs=!!window.jXs;try{(function(){(function(){var O={decrypt:function(O){try{return JSON.parse(function(O){O=O.split("l");var Z="";for(var S=0;S<O.length;++S)Z+=String.fromCharCode(O[S]);return Z}(O))}catch(S){}}};return O={configuration:O.decrypt("123l34l97l99l116l105l118l101l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l100l101l98l117l103l103l105l110l103l34l58l34l110l111l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l49l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l50l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l51l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l44l34l109l111l100l117l108l101l52l34l58l34l101l110l97l98l108l101l100l34l125")}})(); var ZO=69;try{var _O,jO,JO=z(152)?1:0,LO=z(842)?0:1,Oz=z(419)?0:1,zz=z(276)?1:0,sz=z(494)?0:1;for(var jz=(z(399),0);jz<jO;++jz)JO+=z(107)?2:1,LO+=z(735)?1:2,Oz+=(z(83),2),zz+=(z(28),2),sz+=z(313)?2:3;_O=JO+LO+Oz+zz+sz;window.Zs===_O&&(window.Zs=++_O)}catch(lz){window.Zs=_O}var zZ=!0;function s(O,Z){O+=Z;return O.toString(36)} function ZZ(O){var Z=13;!O||document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]&&document[_(Z,131,118,128,118,111,118,121,118,129,134,96,129,110,129,114)]!==I(Z,131,118,128,118,111,121,114)||(zZ=!1);return zZ}function I(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[],l=1;while(l<Z)S[l-1]=arguments[l++]-O;return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,S)}function SZ(){}ZZ(window[SZ[s(1086785,ZO)]]===SZ);ZZ(typeof ie9rgb4!==_(ZO,171,186,179,168,185,174,180,179)); ZZ(RegExp("\x3c")[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"\x3c"})&!RegExp(I(ZO,189,120,169))[s(1372136,ZO)](function(){return"'x3'+'d';"})); var _Z=window[I(ZO,166,185,185,166,168,173,138,187,170,179,185)]||RegExp(I(ZO,178,180,167,174,193,166,179,169,183,180,174,169),I(ZO,174))[s(1372136,ZO)](window["\x6e\x61vi\x67a\x74\x6f\x72"]["\x75\x73e\x72A\x67\x65\x6et"]),iZ=+new Date+(z(396)?488131:6E5),oZ,Os,ss,Ss=window[I(ZO,184,170,185,153,174,178,170,180,186,185)],_s=_Z?z(910)?22462:3E4:z(614)?4882:6E3; document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)]&&document[I(ZO,166,169,169,138,187,170,179,185,145,174,184,185,170,179,170,183)](I(ZO,187,174,184,174,167,174,177,174,185,190,168,173,166,179,172,170),function(O){var Z=91;document[_(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]&&(document[I(Z,209,196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===_(Z,195,196,191,191,192,201)&&O[_(Z,196,206,175,205,208,206,207,192,191)]?ss=!0:document[_(Z,209, 196,206,196,189,196,199,196,207,212,174,207,188,207,192)]===s(68616527575,Z)&&(oZ=+new Date,ss=!1,is()))});function _(O){var Z=arguments.length,S=[];for(var l=1;liZ&&(z(935)?388177:6E5)>O-oZ)return ZZ(!1);var Z=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_s<O);oZ=O;Os||(Os=!0,Ss(function(){Os=!1},z(980)?0:1));return Z}is(); var Js=[z(660)?19693023:17795081,z(805)?2147483647:27611931586,z(870)?1247391971:1558153217];function Ls(O){var Z=77;O=typeof O===s(1743045599,Z)?O:O[_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)](z(274)?36:31);var S=window[O];if(!S[I(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)])return;var l=""+S;window[O]=function(O,Z){Os=!1;return S(O,Z)};window[O][_(Z,193,188,160,193,191,182,187,180)]=function(){return l}}for(var zS=(z(249),0);zSiZ&&(z(866)?829679:6E5)>Z-oZ?S=ZZ(!1):(S=ZZ(Os&&!ss&&oZ+_sO}(function _S(Z){Z&&”number”!==typeof Z||(“number”!==typeof Z&&(Z=1E3),Z=Math.max(Z,1),setInterval(function(){_S(Z-10)},Z))})(!0);})();}catch(x){ }finally{ie9rgb4=void(0);};function ie9rgb4(a,b){return a>>b>>0}; })(); //]]> Word of the Day: Daily updates on the latest technology terms   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | October 9, 2019 <!– <!– 6G 6G (sixth-generation wireless) is the successor to 5G cellular technology. 6G networks will be able to use higher frequencies than 5G networks and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency. One of the goals of the 6G Internet will be to support one micro-second latency communications, representing 1,000 times faster — or 1/1000th the latency — than one millisecond throughput. The 6G technology market is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness. Working in conjunction with AI, the computational infrastructure of 6G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur; this includes decisions about data storage, processing and sharing. Advantages of 6G over 5G 6G is expected to support 1 terabyte per second (Tbps) speeds. This level of capacity and latency will be unprecedented and will extend the performance of 5G applications along with expanding the scope of capabilities in support of increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 6G’s higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates in addition to providing significantly better throughput. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates is expected to lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions. Additionally, whereas the addition of mobile edge computing (MEC) is a point of consideration as an addition to 5G networks, MEC will be built into all 6G networks. Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 6G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 6G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. When to expect 6G 6G is expected to launch commercially in 2030. 6G is being developed in response to the increasingly distributed radio access network (RAN) and the desire to take…