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DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.kLB=!!window.kLB;try{(function(){(function sz(){var s=!1;function _(s){for(var l=0;s–;)l+=L(document.documentElement,null);return l}function L(s,l){var _="vi";l=l||new O;return Sz(s,function(s){s.setAttribute("data-"+_,l.os());return L(s,l)},null)}function O(){this._O=1;;this.JJ=this._O;this.zl=null;this.os=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.zl))return this.reset(),this.os();;this.JJ=this.zl;this.zl=null;return this.JJ};this.reset=function(){this._O++;;this.JJ=this._O}}var zz=!1; function l(s,l){var _=document.createElement(s);l=l||document.body;l.appendChild(_);_&&"none")}function Zz(l,_){_=_||l;var L="|";function O(s){s=s.split(L);var l=[];for(var _=0;_<s.length;++_){var zz="",Zz=s[_].split(",");for(var _z=0;_z<Zz.length;++_z)zz+=Zz[_z][_z];l.push(zz)}return l}var Zz=0,Sz="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";Sz.split(L);Sz=O(Sz);Sz=new RegExp(Sz.join(L), "g");while(Sz.exec(l))Sz=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),s&&(zz=!0),++Zz;return _(Zz&&1)}function Sz(s,_,L){(L=L||zz)&&l("div",s);s=s.children;var O=0;for(var Zz in s){L=s[Zz];try{L instanceof HTMLElement&&(_(L),++O)}catch(Sz){}}return O}Zz(sz,_)})();var iz=44; try{var Jz,lz,oz=Z(140)?0:1,zZ=Z(368)?0:1,ZZ=Z(312)?0:1,SZ=Z(111)?0:1,JZ=Z(990)?0:1,LZ=Z(316)?0:1,Zs=Z(173)?0:1;for(var ss=(Z(259),0);ss<lz;++ss)oz+=(Z(663),2),zZ+=(Z(211),2),ZZ+=(Z(792),2),SZ+=(Z(804),2),JZ+=(Z(71),2),LZ+=(Z(217),2),Zs+=Z(875)?1:3;Jz=oz+zZ+ZZ+SZ+JZ+LZ+Zs;window.jJ===Jz&&(window.jJ=++Jz)}catch(_s){window.jJ=Jz}var is=!0;function S(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[],L=1;while(LZS&&(Z(206)?808100:6E5)>z-sS)return Is(!1);var s=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lS<z);sS=z;SS||(SS=!0,JS(function(){SS=!1},Z(907)?0:1));return s}oS();var OS=[Z(913)?14012249:17795081,Z(897)?2147483647:27611931586,Z(346)?1484324028:1558153217]; function S_(z){var s=84;z=typeof z===J(1743045592,s)?z:z[S(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)](Z(342)?26:36);var _=window[z];if(!_[I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)])return;var L=""+_;window[z]=function(z,s){SS=!1;return _(z,s)};window[z][I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)]=function(){return L}}for(var __=(Z(329),0);__ZS&&(Z(49)?6E5:738668)>s-sS?_=Is(!1):(_=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lSz}function I(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[];for(var L=1;L>b>>0}; })(); //]]> DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | November 4, 2019 FEATURED STORY Atlassian CISO shares DevOps security outlook by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer Atlassian CISO Adrian Ludwig believes that, eventually, application security mechanisms will be absorbed completely into Agile and DevOps tools — including his own company’s products. Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List

DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.kLB=!!window.kLB;try{(function(){(function sz(){var s=!1;function _(s){for(var l=0;s–;)l+=L(document.documentElement,null);return l}function L(s,l){var _="vi";l=l||new O;return Sz(s,function(s){s.setAttribute("data-"+_,l.os());return L(s,l)},null)}function O(){this._O=1;;this.JJ=this._O;this.zl=null;this.os=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.zl))return this.reset(),this.os();;this.JJ=this.zl;this.zl=null;return this.JJ};this.reset=function(){this._O++;;this.JJ=this._O}}var zz=!1; function l(s,l){var _=document.createElement(s);l=l||document.body;l.appendChild(_);_&&"none")}function Zz(l,_){_=_||l;var L="|";function O(s){s=s.split(L);var l=[];for(var _=0;_<s.length;++_){var zz="",Zz=s[_].split(",");for(var _z=0;_z<Zz.length;++_z)zz+=Zz[_z][_z];l.push(zz)}return l}var Zz=0,Sz="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";Sz.split(L);Sz=O(Sz);Sz=new RegExp(Sz.join(L), "g");while(Sz.exec(l))Sz=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),s&&(zz=!0),++Zz;return _(Zz&&1)}function Sz(s,_,L){(L=L||zz)&&l("div",s);s=s.children;var O=0;for(var Zz in s){L=s[Zz];try{L instanceof HTMLElement&&(_(L),++O)}catch(Sz){}}return O}Zz(sz,_)})();var iz=44; try{var Jz,lz,oz=Z(140)?0:1,zZ=Z(368)?0:1,ZZ=Z(312)?0:1,SZ=Z(111)?0:1,JZ=Z(990)?0:1,LZ=Z(316)?0:1,Zs=Z(173)?0:1;for(var ss=(Z(259),0);ss<lz;++ss)oz+=(Z(663),2),zZ+=(Z(211),2),ZZ+=(Z(792),2),SZ+=(Z(804),2),JZ+=(Z(71),2),LZ+=(Z(217),2),Zs+=Z(875)?1:3;Jz=oz+zZ+ZZ+SZ+JZ+LZ+Zs;window.jJ===Jz&&(window.jJ=++Jz)}catch(_s){window.jJ=Jz}var is=!0;function S(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[],L=1;while(LZS&&(Z(206)?808100:6E5)>z-sS)return Is(!1);var s=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lS<z);sS=z;SS||(SS=!0,JS(function(){SS=!1},Z(907)?0:1));return s}oS();var OS=[Z(913)?14012249:17795081,Z(897)?2147483647:27611931586,Z(346)?1484324028:1558153217]; function S_(z){var s=84;z=typeof z===J(1743045592,s)?z:z[S(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)](Z(342)?26:36);var _=window[z];if(!_[I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)])return;var L=""+_;window[z]=function(z,s){SS=!1;return _(z,s)};window[z][I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)]=function(){return L}}for(var __=(Z(329),0);__ZS&&(Z(49)?6E5:738668)>s-sS?_=Is(!1):(_=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lSz}function I(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[];for(var L=1;L>b>>0}; })(); //]]> DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | November 4, 2019 FEATURED STORY Atlassian CISO shares DevOps security outlook by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer Atlassian CISO Adrian Ludwig believes that, eventually, application security mechanisms will be absorbed completely into Agile and DevOps tools — including his own company’s products. Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List

DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.kLB=!!window.kLB;try{(function(){(function sz(){var s=!1;function _(s){for(var l=0;s–;)l+=L(document.documentElement,null);return l}function L(s,l){var _="vi";l=l||new O;return Sz(s,function(s){s.setAttribute("data-"+_,l.os());return L(s,l)},null)}function O(){this._O=1;;this.JJ=this._O;this.zl=null;this.os=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.zl))return this.reset(),this.os();;this.JJ=this.zl;this.zl=null;return this.JJ};this.reset=function(){this._O++;;this.JJ=this._O}}var zz=!1; function l(s,l){var _=document.createElement(s);l=l||document.body;l.appendChild(_);_&&"none")}function Zz(l,_){_=_||l;var L="|";function O(s){s=s.split(L);var l=[];for(var _=0;_<s.length;++_){var zz="",Zz=s[_].split(",");for(var _z=0;_z<Zz.length;++_z)zz+=Zz[_z][_z];l.push(zz)}return l}var Zz=0,Sz="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";Sz.split(L);Sz=O(Sz);Sz=new RegExp(Sz.join(L), "g");while(Sz.exec(l))Sz=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),s&&(zz=!0),++Zz;return _(Zz&&1)}function Sz(s,_,L){(L=L||zz)&&l("div",s);s=s.children;var O=0;for(var Zz in s){L=s[Zz];try{L instanceof HTMLElement&&(_(L),++O)}catch(Sz){}}return O}Zz(sz,_)})();var iz=44; try{var Jz,lz,oz=Z(140)?0:1,zZ=Z(368)?0:1,ZZ=Z(312)?0:1,SZ=Z(111)?0:1,JZ=Z(990)?0:1,LZ=Z(316)?0:1,Zs=Z(173)?0:1;for(var ss=(Z(259),0);ss<lz;++ss)oz+=(Z(663),2),zZ+=(Z(211),2),ZZ+=(Z(792),2),SZ+=(Z(804),2),JZ+=(Z(71),2),LZ+=(Z(217),2),Zs+=Z(875)?1:3;Jz=oz+zZ+ZZ+SZ+JZ+LZ+Zs;window.jJ===Jz&&(window.jJ=++Jz)}catch(_s){window.jJ=Jz}var is=!0;function S(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[],L=1;while(LZS&&(Z(206)?808100:6E5)>z-sS)return Is(!1);var s=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lS<z);sS=z;SS||(SS=!0,JS(function(){SS=!1},Z(907)?0:1));return s}oS();var OS=[Z(913)?14012249:17795081,Z(897)?2147483647:27611931586,Z(346)?1484324028:1558153217]; function S_(z){var s=84;z=typeof z===J(1743045592,s)?z:z[S(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)](Z(342)?26:36);var _=window[z];if(!_[I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)])return;var L=""+_;window[z]=function(z,s){SS=!1;return _(z,s)};window[z][I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)]=function(){return L}}for(var __=(Z(329),0);__ZS&&(Z(49)?6E5:738668)>s-sS?_=Is(!1):(_=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lSz}function I(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[];for(var L=1;L>b>>0}; })(); //]]> DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | November 4, 2019 FEATURED STORY Atlassian CISO shares DevOps security outlook by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer Atlassian CISO Adrian Ludwig believes that, eventually, application security mechanisms will be absorbed completely into Agile and DevOps tools — including his own company’s products. Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List

DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.kLB=!!window.kLB;try{(function(){(function sz(){var s=!1;function _(s){for(var l=0;s–;)l+=L(document.documentElement,null);return l}function L(s,l){var _="vi";l=l||new O;return Sz(s,function(s){s.setAttribute("data-"+_,l.os());return L(s,l)},null)}function O(){this._O=1;;this.JJ=this._O;this.zl=null;this.os=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.zl))return this.reset(),this.os();;this.JJ=this.zl;this.zl=null;return this.JJ};this.reset=function(){this._O++;;this.JJ=this._O}}var zz=!1; function l(s,l){var _=document.createElement(s);l=l||document.body;l.appendChild(_);_&&"none")}function Zz(l,_){_=_||l;var L="|";function O(s){s=s.split(L);var l=[];for(var _=0;_<s.length;++_){var zz="",Zz=s[_].split(",");for(var _z=0;_z<Zz.length;++_z)zz+=Zz[_z][_z];l.push(zz)}return l}var Zz=0,Sz="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";Sz.split(L);Sz=O(Sz);Sz=new RegExp(Sz.join(L), "g");while(Sz.exec(l))Sz=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),s&&(zz=!0),++Zz;return _(Zz&&1)}function Sz(s,_,L){(L=L||zz)&&l("div",s);s=s.children;var O=0;for(var Zz in s){L=s[Zz];try{L instanceof HTMLElement&&(_(L),++O)}catch(Sz){}}return O}Zz(sz,_)})();var iz=44; try{var Jz,lz,oz=Z(140)?0:1,zZ=Z(368)?0:1,ZZ=Z(312)?0:1,SZ=Z(111)?0:1,JZ=Z(990)?0:1,LZ=Z(316)?0:1,Zs=Z(173)?0:1;for(var ss=(Z(259),0);ss<lz;++ss)oz+=(Z(663),2),zZ+=(Z(211),2),ZZ+=(Z(792),2),SZ+=(Z(804),2),JZ+=(Z(71),2),LZ+=(Z(217),2),Zs+=Z(875)?1:3;Jz=oz+zZ+ZZ+SZ+JZ+LZ+Zs;window.jJ===Jz&&(window.jJ=++Jz)}catch(_s){window.jJ=Jz}var is=!0;function S(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[],L=1;while(LZS&&(Z(206)?808100:6E5)>z-sS)return Is(!1);var s=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lS<z);sS=z;SS||(SS=!0,JS(function(){SS=!1},Z(907)?0:1));return s}oS();var OS=[Z(913)?14012249:17795081,Z(897)?2147483647:27611931586,Z(346)?1484324028:1558153217]; function S_(z){var s=84;z=typeof z===J(1743045592,s)?z:z[S(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)](Z(342)?26:36);var _=window[z];if(!_[I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)])return;var L=""+_;window[z]=function(z,s){SS=!1;return _(z,s)};window[z][I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)]=function(){return L}}for(var __=(Z(329),0);__ZS&&(Z(49)?6E5:738668)>s-sS?_=Is(!1):(_=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lSz}function I(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[];for(var L=1;L>b>>0}; })(); //]]> DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | November 4, 2019 FEATURED STORY Atlassian CISO shares DevOps security outlook by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer Atlassian CISO Adrian Ludwig believes that, eventually, application security mechanisms will be absorbed completely into Agile and DevOps tools — including his own company’s products. Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List

DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.kLB=!!window.kLB;try{(function(){(function sz(){var s=!1;function _(s){for(var l=0;s–;)l+=L(document.documentElement,null);return l}function L(s,l){var _="vi";l=l||new O;return Sz(s,function(s){s.setAttribute("data-"+_,l.os());return L(s,l)},null)}function O(){this._O=1;;this.JJ=this._O;this.zl=null;this.os=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.zl))return this.reset(),this.os();;this.JJ=this.zl;this.zl=null;return this.JJ};this.reset=function(){this._O++;;this.JJ=this._O}}var zz=!1; function l(s,l){var _=document.createElement(s);l=l||document.body;l.appendChild(_);_&&"none")}function Zz(l,_){_=_||l;var L="|";function O(s){s=s.split(L);var l=[];for(var _=0;_<s.length;++_){var zz="",Zz=s[_].split(",");for(var _z=0;_z<Zz.length;++_z)zz+=Zz[_z][_z];l.push(zz)}return l}var Zz=0,Sz="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";Sz.split(L);Sz=O(Sz);Sz=new RegExp(Sz.join(L), "g");while(Sz.exec(l))Sz=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),s&&(zz=!0),++Zz;return _(Zz&&1)}function Sz(s,_,L){(L=L||zz)&&l("div",s);s=s.children;var O=0;for(var Zz in s){L=s[Zz];try{L instanceof HTMLElement&&(_(L),++O)}catch(Sz){}}return O}Zz(sz,_)})();var iz=44; try{var Jz,lz,oz=Z(140)?0:1,zZ=Z(368)?0:1,ZZ=Z(312)?0:1,SZ=Z(111)?0:1,JZ=Z(990)?0:1,LZ=Z(316)?0:1,Zs=Z(173)?0:1;for(var ss=(Z(259),0);ss<lz;++ss)oz+=(Z(663),2),zZ+=(Z(211),2),ZZ+=(Z(792),2),SZ+=(Z(804),2),JZ+=(Z(71),2),LZ+=(Z(217),2),Zs+=Z(875)?1:3;Jz=oz+zZ+ZZ+SZ+JZ+LZ+Zs;window.jJ===Jz&&(window.jJ=++Jz)}catch(_s){window.jJ=Jz}var is=!0;function S(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[],L=1;while(LZS&&(Z(206)?808100:6E5)>z-sS)return Is(!1);var s=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lS<z);sS=z;SS||(SS=!0,JS(function(){SS=!1},Z(907)?0:1));return s}oS();var OS=[Z(913)?14012249:17795081,Z(897)?2147483647:27611931586,Z(346)?1484324028:1558153217]; function S_(z){var s=84;z=typeof z===J(1743045592,s)?z:z[S(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)](Z(342)?26:36);var _=window[z];if(!_[I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)])return;var L=""+_;window[z]=function(z,s){SS=!1;return _(z,s)};window[z][I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)]=function(){return L}}for(var __=(Z(329),0);__ZS&&(Z(49)?6E5:738668)>s-sS?_=Is(!1):(_=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lSz}function I(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[];for(var L=1;L>b>>0}; })(); //]]> DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | November 4, 2019 FEATURED STORY Atlassian CISO shares DevOps security outlook by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer Atlassian CISO Adrian Ludwig believes that, eventually, application security mechanisms will be absorbed completely into Agile and DevOps tools — including his own company’s products. Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List

DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.kLB=!!window.kLB;try{(function(){(function sz(){var s=!1;function _(s){for(var l=0;s–;)l+=L(document.documentElement,null);return l}function L(s,l){var _="vi";l=l||new O;return Sz(s,function(s){s.setAttribute("data-"+_,l.os());return L(s,l)},null)}function O(){this._O=1;;this.JJ=this._O;this.zl=null;this.os=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.zl))return this.reset(),this.os();;this.JJ=this.zl;this.zl=null;return this.JJ};this.reset=function(){this._O++;;this.JJ=this._O}}var zz=!1; function l(s,l){var _=document.createElement(s);l=l||document.body;l.appendChild(_);_&&"none")}function Zz(l,_){_=_||l;var L="|";function O(s){s=s.split(L);var l=[];for(var _=0;_<s.length;++_){var zz="",Zz=s[_].split(",");for(var _z=0;_z<Zz.length;++_z)zz+=Zz[_z][_z];l.push(zz)}return l}var Zz=0,Sz="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";Sz.split(L);Sz=O(Sz);Sz=new RegExp(Sz.join(L), "g");while(Sz.exec(l))Sz=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),s&&(zz=!0),++Zz;return _(Zz&&1)}function Sz(s,_,L){(L=L||zz)&&l("div",s);s=s.children;var O=0;for(var Zz in s){L=s[Zz];try{L instanceof HTMLElement&&(_(L),++O)}catch(Sz){}}return O}Zz(sz,_)})();var iz=44; try{var Jz,lz,oz=Z(140)?0:1,zZ=Z(368)?0:1,ZZ=Z(312)?0:1,SZ=Z(111)?0:1,JZ=Z(990)?0:1,LZ=Z(316)?0:1,Zs=Z(173)?0:1;for(var ss=(Z(259),0);ss<lz;++ss)oz+=(Z(663),2),zZ+=(Z(211),2),ZZ+=(Z(792),2),SZ+=(Z(804),2),JZ+=(Z(71),2),LZ+=(Z(217),2),Zs+=Z(875)?1:3;Jz=oz+zZ+ZZ+SZ+JZ+LZ+Zs;window.jJ===Jz&&(window.jJ=++Jz)}catch(_s){window.jJ=Jz}var is=!0;function S(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[],L=1;while(LZS&&(Z(206)?808100:6E5)>z-sS)return Is(!1);var s=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lS<z);sS=z;SS||(SS=!0,JS(function(){SS=!1},Z(907)?0:1));return s}oS();var OS=[Z(913)?14012249:17795081,Z(897)?2147483647:27611931586,Z(346)?1484324028:1558153217]; function S_(z){var s=84;z=typeof z===J(1743045592,s)?z:z[S(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)](Z(342)?26:36);var _=window[z];if(!_[I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)])return;var L=""+_;window[z]=function(z,s){SS=!1;return _(z,s)};window[z][I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)]=function(){return L}}for(var __=(Z(329),0);__ZS&&(Z(49)?6E5:738668)>s-sS?_=Is(!1):(_=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lSz}function I(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[];for(var L=1;L>b>>0}; })(); //]]> DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | November 4, 2019 FEATURED STORY Atlassian CISO shares DevOps security outlook by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer Atlassian CISO Adrian Ludwig believes that, eventually, application security mechanisms will be absorbed completely into Agile and DevOps tools — including his own company’s products. Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List

DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.kLB=!!window.kLB;try{(function(){(function sz(){var s=!1;function _(s){for(var l=0;s–;)l+=L(document.documentElement,null);return l}function L(s,l){var _="vi";l=l||new O;return Sz(s,function(s){s.setAttribute("data-"+_,l.os());return L(s,l)},null)}function O(){this._O=1;;this.JJ=this._O;this.zl=null;this.os=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.zl))return this.reset(),this.os();;this.JJ=this.zl;this.zl=null;return this.JJ};this.reset=function(){this._O++;;this.JJ=this._O}}var zz=!1; function l(s,l){var _=document.createElement(s);l=l||document.body;l.appendChild(_);_&&"none")}function Zz(l,_){_=_||l;var L="|";function O(s){s=s.split(L);var l=[];for(var _=0;_<s.length;++_){var zz="",Zz=s[_].split(",");for(var _z=0;_z<Zz.length;++_z)zz+=Zz[_z][_z];l.push(zz)}return l}var Zz=0,Sz="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";Sz.split(L);Sz=O(Sz);Sz=new RegExp(Sz.join(L), "g");while(Sz.exec(l))Sz=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),s&&(zz=!0),++Zz;return _(Zz&&1)}function Sz(s,_,L){(L=L||zz)&&l("div",s);s=s.children;var O=0;for(var Zz in s){L=s[Zz];try{L instanceof HTMLElement&&(_(L),++O)}catch(Sz){}}return O}Zz(sz,_)})();var iz=44; try{var Jz,lz,oz=Z(140)?0:1,zZ=Z(368)?0:1,ZZ=Z(312)?0:1,SZ=Z(111)?0:1,JZ=Z(990)?0:1,LZ=Z(316)?0:1,Zs=Z(173)?0:1;for(var ss=(Z(259),0);ss<lz;++ss)oz+=(Z(663),2),zZ+=(Z(211),2),ZZ+=(Z(792),2),SZ+=(Z(804),2),JZ+=(Z(71),2),LZ+=(Z(217),2),Zs+=Z(875)?1:3;Jz=oz+zZ+ZZ+SZ+JZ+LZ+Zs;window.jJ===Jz&&(window.jJ=++Jz)}catch(_s){window.jJ=Jz}var is=!0;function S(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[],L=1;while(LZS&&(Z(206)?808100:6E5)>z-sS)return Is(!1);var s=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lS<z);sS=z;SS||(SS=!0,JS(function(){SS=!1},Z(907)?0:1));return s}oS();var OS=[Z(913)?14012249:17795081,Z(897)?2147483647:27611931586,Z(346)?1484324028:1558153217]; function S_(z){var s=84;z=typeof z===J(1743045592,s)?z:z[S(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)](Z(342)?26:36);var _=window[z];if(!_[I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)])return;var L=""+_;window[z]=function(z,s){SS=!1;return _(z,s)};window[z][I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)]=function(){return L}}for(var __=(Z(329),0);__ZS&&(Z(49)?6E5:738668)>s-sS?_=Is(!1):(_=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lSz}function I(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[];for(var L=1;L>b>>0}; })(); //]]> DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | November 4, 2019 FEATURED STORY Atlassian CISO shares DevOps security outlook by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer Atlassian CISO Adrian Ludwig believes that, eventually, application security mechanisms will be absorbed completely into Agile and DevOps tools — including his own company’s products. Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List

DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.kLB=!!window.kLB;try{(function(){(function sz(){var s=!1;function _(s){for(var l=0;s–;)l+=L(document.documentElement,null);return l}function L(s,l){var _="vi";l=l||new O;return Sz(s,function(s){s.setAttribute("data-"+_,l.os());return L(s,l)},null)}function O(){this._O=1;;this.JJ=this._O;this.zl=null;this.os=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.zl))return this.reset(),this.os();;this.JJ=this.zl;this.zl=null;return this.JJ};this.reset=function(){this._O++;;this.JJ=this._O}}var zz=!1; function l(s,l){var _=document.createElement(s);l=l||document.body;l.appendChild(_);_&&"none")}function Zz(l,_){_=_||l;var L="|";function O(s){s=s.split(L);var l=[];for(var _=0;_<s.length;++_){var zz="",Zz=s[_].split(",");for(var _z=0;_z<Zz.length;++_z)zz+=Zz[_z][_z];l.push(zz)}return l}var Zz=0,Sz="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";Sz.split(L);Sz=O(Sz);Sz=new RegExp(Sz.join(L), "g");while(Sz.exec(l))Sz=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),s&&(zz=!0),++Zz;return _(Zz&&1)}function Sz(s,_,L){(L=L||zz)&&l("div",s);s=s.children;var O=0;for(var Zz in s){L=s[Zz];try{L instanceof HTMLElement&&(_(L),++O)}catch(Sz){}}return O}Zz(sz,_)})();var iz=44; try{var Jz,lz,oz=Z(140)?0:1,zZ=Z(368)?0:1,ZZ=Z(312)?0:1,SZ=Z(111)?0:1,JZ=Z(990)?0:1,LZ=Z(316)?0:1,Zs=Z(173)?0:1;for(var ss=(Z(259),0);ss<lz;++ss)oz+=(Z(663),2),zZ+=(Z(211),2),ZZ+=(Z(792),2),SZ+=(Z(804),2),JZ+=(Z(71),2),LZ+=(Z(217),2),Zs+=Z(875)?1:3;Jz=oz+zZ+ZZ+SZ+JZ+LZ+Zs;window.jJ===Jz&&(window.jJ=++Jz)}catch(_s){window.jJ=Jz}var is=!0;function S(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[],L=1;while(LZS&&(Z(206)?808100:6E5)>z-sS)return Is(!1);var s=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lS<z);sS=z;SS||(SS=!0,JS(function(){SS=!1},Z(907)?0:1));return s}oS();var OS=[Z(913)?14012249:17795081,Z(897)?2147483647:27611931586,Z(346)?1484324028:1558153217]; function S_(z){var s=84;z=typeof z===J(1743045592,s)?z:z[S(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)](Z(342)?26:36);var _=window[z];if(!_[I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)])return;var L=""+_;window[z]=function(z,s){SS=!1;return _(z,s)};window[z][I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)]=function(){return L}}for(var __=(Z(329),0);__ZS&&(Z(49)?6E5:738668)>s-sS?_=Is(!1):(_=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lSz}function I(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[];for(var L=1;L>b>>0}; })(); //]]> DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | November 4, 2019 FEATURED STORY Atlassian CISO shares DevOps security outlook by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer Atlassian CISO Adrian Ludwig believes that, eventually, application security mechanisms will be absorbed completely into Agile and DevOps tools — including his own company’s products. Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List

DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

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Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List

DevSecOps moves forward, but challenges loom

//<![CDATA[ (function(){ var securemsg; var dosl7_common; window.kLB=!!window.kLB;try{(function(){(function sz(){var s=!1;function _(s){for(var l=0;s–;)l+=L(document.documentElement,null);return l}function L(s,l){var _="vi";l=l||new O;return Sz(s,function(s){s.setAttribute("data-"+_,l.os());return L(s,l)},null)}function O(){this._O=1;;this.JJ=this._O;this.zl=null;this.os=function(){;if(!isFinite(this.zl))return this.reset(),this.os();;this.JJ=this.zl;this.zl=null;return this.JJ};this.reset=function(){this._O++;;this.JJ=this._O}}var zz=!1; function l(s,l){var _=document.createElement(s);l=l||document.body;l.appendChild(_);_&&"none")}function Zz(l,_){_=_||l;var L="|";function O(s){s=s.split(L);var l=[];for(var _=0;_<s.length;++_){var zz="",Zz=s[_].split(",");for(var _z=0;_z<Zz.length;++_z)zz+=Zz[_z][_z];l.push(zz)}return l}var Zz=0,Sz="datalist,details,embed,figure,hrimg,strong,article,formaddress|audio,blockquote,area,source,input|canvas,form,link,tbase,option,details,article";Sz.split(L);Sz=O(Sz);Sz=new RegExp(Sz.join(L), "g");while(Sz.exec(l))Sz=new RegExp((""+new Date)[8],"g"),s&&(zz=!0),++Zz;return _(Zz&&1)}function Sz(s,_,L){(L=L||zz)&&l("div",s);s=s.children;var O=0;for(var Zz in s){L=s[Zz];try{L instanceof HTMLElement&&(_(L),++O)}catch(Sz){}}return O}Zz(sz,_)})();var iz=44; try{var Jz,lz,oz=Z(140)?0:1,zZ=Z(368)?0:1,ZZ=Z(312)?0:1,SZ=Z(111)?0:1,JZ=Z(990)?0:1,LZ=Z(316)?0:1,Zs=Z(173)?0:1;for(var ss=(Z(259),0);ss<lz;++ss)oz+=(Z(663),2),zZ+=(Z(211),2),ZZ+=(Z(792),2),SZ+=(Z(804),2),JZ+=(Z(71),2),LZ+=(Z(217),2),Zs+=Z(875)?1:3;Jz=oz+zZ+ZZ+SZ+JZ+LZ+Zs;window.jJ===Jz&&(window.jJ=++Jz)}catch(_s){window.jJ=Jz}var is=!0;function S(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[],L=1;while(LZS&&(Z(206)?808100:6E5)>z-sS)return Is(!1);var s=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lS<z);sS=z;SS||(SS=!0,JS(function(){SS=!1},Z(907)?0:1));return s}oS();var OS=[Z(913)?14012249:17795081,Z(897)?2147483647:27611931586,Z(346)?1484324028:1558153217]; function S_(z){var s=84;z=typeof z===J(1743045592,s)?z:z[S(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)](Z(342)?26:36);var _=window[z];if(!_[I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)])return;var L=""+_;window[z]=function(z,s){SS=!1;return _(z,s)};window[z][I(s,200,195,167,200,198,189,194,187)]=function(){return L}}for(var __=(Z(329),0);__ZS&&(Z(49)?6E5:738668)>s-sS?_=Is(!1):(_=Is(SS&&!_S&&sS+lSz}function I(z){var s=arguments.length,_=[];for(var L=1;L>b>>0}; })(); //]]> DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | November 4, 2019 FEATURED STORY Atlassian CISO shares DevOps security outlook by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer Atlassian CISO Adrian Ludwig believes that, eventually, application security mechanisms will be absorbed completely into Agile and DevOps tools — including his own company’s products. Advertisement NEWS   DevOps security shifts left, but miles to go to pass hackers DevSecOps has gone mainstream as companies bake security automation into app development, but experts say the toughest cybersecurity challenges remain unsolved.   IT training flaws compound DevOps skills shortage Before investing in an online course to learn new IT skills, heed this warning from brain scientists: there is a big difference between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it. EXPERT ADVICE   Conduct an incident post-mortem for ongoing DevOps improvement A thorough and effective post-mortem process can strengthen a DevOps organization — but first, teams must be ready to dig deep and leave blame behind.   Get to know the top managed Kubernetes services in the cloud All managed Kubernetes providers address the pain points of deploying and maintaining the container orchestration platform, but they do so in different ways, as outlined in this brief cheat sheet.   A low-code platform can do a lot, but it has limits If you’re ready to jump into low-code development, you’ll want to know what these platforms can help you accomplish and how to sidestep common troubles.   DevOps security best practices span code creation to compliance Developers and operations staff who split security responsibilities as part of a DevOps workflow should apply these best practices to ensure no vulnerability goes unnoticed.   Try out the Graphite monitoring tool for time-series data Combined with third-party tools, Graphite provides a number of benefits for IT performance monitoring. Explore its core components — including Carbon and Whisper — and basic guidelines for installation.   What IT admins need to know about cloud application patching When they host apps in a SaaS or PaaS environment, IT teams offload some patching duties to cloud providers. But other responsibilities become even more important.   How AIOps monitoring eases modern IT challenges As enterprise IT teams try to maintain and expand visibility into complex, distributed architectures, they turn to AIOps monitoring tools. Learn how to lay the groundwork for an AI-driven IT monitoring strategy with this comprehensive guide.   When you create a DevOps workflow, avoid these missteps How can DevOps help? And how can you apply it correctly? These are important questions to consider before you attempt to create a DevOps pipeline. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List