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Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Developer-centric tools target Kubernetes complexity

Application Development Digest: A roundup of application development content from TechTarget   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } Application Development Digest A roundup of application development content from TechTarget’s network|Dec 02, 2019 FEATURED STORY Kubernetes tools vendors vie for developer mindshare By Darryl K. Taft, News Writer Developers in the cloud-native industry running Kubernetes environments say they need more and better Kubernetes tools to get around some of the complexity of the platform. Advertisement NEWS   Kubernetes release gets little fanfare as IT looks toward GitOps Kubernetes is considered stable enough to be boring. The latest beta release was barely mentioned at KubeCon, where IT pros focused on advanced uses such as GitOps and other cloud-native projects.   AWS rejects Elasticsearch trademark lawsuit claims AWS’ response to Elasticsearch’s trademark infringement lawsuit denies the allegations, but experts say a settlement is likely and justifiably in the cards.   Linkerd vs. Istio battle heats up as service mesh gains steam Service mesh has gone from a relatively unknown entity to a mainstream topic in 2019, but it’s too early to declare a TKO in the Linkerd vs. Istio prizefight.   Google boosts VMware public cloud support with CloudSimple buy Google has acquired CloudSimple to get a slice of the VMware public cloud deployment market. Indications are that CloudSimple will continue to support Google’s rival Azure as well. EXPERT ADVICE   Low-code platforms face off: Mendix vs. OutSystems Low-code products target different audiences. Will traditional or citizen developers use low-code platforms more in the future? We pit Mendix vs. OutSystems to explore each approach.   An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing the two.   Tomcat vs. Jetty: How these Java application servers compare and differ Tomcat and Jetty share plenty of similarities in the Java server debate, but you should carefully evaluate their differences when you make a choice on which option to use.   The enterprise architect’s guide to application state management With this essential guide, better prepare yourself for the challenges with application state management, distributed architectures, and managing stateful and stateless services.   A simple Java 8 Predicate lambda interface with examples Watch this video to learn how to use the Java Predicate interface in Lambda expressions in your environment. This approach may help simplify the evaluation of boolean conditions.   What to look for in code review tools Code review gums up the Agile, iterative works. Assisted and automated code review tools improve quality, and there’s a mix of products out there for different workflows and needs.   5 essential tips for logging microservices Creating a log system for distributed microservices is a task much easier said than done. Joydip Kanjilal offers five quick tips to shore up microservices logging processes.   5 vital QA skills for software testers As testing extends throughout the SDLC, QA engineers do much more than execute a quick functionality check. Pick up these skills to ensure an effective approach to quality.   About This E-Newsletter The Application Development Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’BGLOEPKCPJJFMGFEAOKGDAMLGFMIKOGJHCLLAODKJGIMKGIOLJFHPOEKLFEFPCOAODLADFDJLMNBPMIGEIIIKFDJMKDAMFPGAABKEEFMJPBLEOHEAAOINELIMDGBKENM’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());