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Member, you left some top trending content behind

It’s been a while! Hi Member, I wanted to send you some popular research that you may have missed. I hope you find these helpful: 1. 2020 Global State of Enterprise Analytics 2. Top 7 Manufacturing Challenges for 2020 3. Data Science Storytelling Emerges as Top Analytics Skill 4. A Breakdown of 10 Commonly Used SAP ECC Components 5. What’s Most Important in Creating a Supply Chain Management Strategy? Our editors and experts are in the field staying on top of the most pressing industry developments and challenges – and we don’t want you to miss out on insights that can impact your career. Take these resources for example. This is one of the reasons why I encourage you to visit the TechTarget network more frequently. Enjoy, Natasha Carter Associate Director, Engagement and Outreach TechTarget     s This email is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US, Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List  

Member, you left some top trending content behind

It’s been a while! Hi Member, I wanted to send you some popular research that you may have missed. I hope you find these helpful: 1. 2020 Global State of Enterprise Analytics 2. Top 7 Manufacturing Challenges for 2020 3. Data Science Storytelling Emerges as Top Analytics Skill 4. A Breakdown of 10 Commonly Used SAP ECC Components 5. What’s Most Important in Creating a Supply Chain Management Strategy? Our editors and experts are in the field staying on top of the most pressing industry developments and challenges – and we don’t want you to miss out on insights that can impact your career. Take these resources for example. This is one of the reasons why I encourage you to visit the TechTarget network more frequently. Enjoy, Natasha Carter Associate Director, Engagement and Outreach TechTarget     s This email is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US, Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List  

Member, you left some top trending content behind

It’s been a while! Hi Member, I wanted to send you some popular research that you may have missed. I hope you find these helpful: 1. 2020 Global State of Enterprise Analytics 2. Top 7 Manufacturing Challenges for 2020 3. Data Science Storytelling Emerges as Top Analytics Skill 4. A Breakdown of 10 Commonly Used SAP ECC Components 5. What’s Most Important in Creating a Supply Chain Management Strategy? Our editors and experts are in the field staying on top of the most pressing industry developments and challenges – and we don’t want you to miss out on insights that can impact your career. Take these resources for example. This is one of the reasons why I encourage you to visit the TechTarget network more frequently. Enjoy, Natasha Carter Associate Director, Engagement and Outreach TechTarget     s This email is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US, Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List  

Member, you left some top trending content behind

It’s been a while! Hi Member, I wanted to send you some popular research that you may have missed. I hope you find these helpful: 1. 2020 Global State of Enterprise Analytics 2. Top 7 Manufacturing Challenges for 2020 3. Data Science Storytelling Emerges as Top Analytics Skill 4. A Breakdown of 10 Commonly Used SAP ECC Components 5. What’s Most Important in Creating a Supply Chain Management Strategy? Our editors and experts are in the field staying on top of the most pressing industry developments and challenges – and we don’t want you to miss out on insights that can impact your career. Take these resources for example. This is one of the reasons why I encourage you to visit the TechTarget network more frequently. Enjoy, Natasha Carter Associate Director, Engagement and Outreach TechTarget     s This email is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US, Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List  

Member, you left some top trending content behind

It’s been a while! Hi Member, I wanted to send you some popular research that you may have missed. I hope you find these helpful: 1. 2020 Global State of Enterprise Analytics 2. Top 7 Manufacturing Challenges for 2020 3. Data Science Storytelling Emerges as Top Analytics Skill 4. A Breakdown of 10 Commonly Used SAP ECC Components 5. What’s Most Important in Creating a Supply Chain Management Strategy? Our editors and experts are in the field staying on top of the most pressing industry developments and challenges – and we don’t want you to miss out on insights that can impact your career. Take these resources for example. This is one of the reasons why I encourage you to visit the TechTarget network more frequently. Enjoy, Natasha Carter Associate Director, Engagement and Outreach TechTarget     s This email is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US, Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List  

Business Technology Research from TechTarget

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Learn about the challenges of off-the-shelf SSO software, and discover how Appsian’s PeopleSoft SSO Connecter can help your organization improve security, boost productivity, and more. Read More Read More ERP selection process: How 1 company simplified it with TEC SPONSORED BY: Technology Evaluation Centers Miller Weldmaster Corporation (MWC) is a global manufacturer and was struggling to choose a new ERP system. The company decided to partner with Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC) who helped simplify the ERP selection process. Learn about their experience in this case study. Read More Read More 5 signs you may be abusing Excel for planning SPONSORED BY: Host Analytics, Inc This white paper will walk you through the 5 signs that you may be abusing Excel for your planning needs and show you how you can take advantage of the capabilities that you appreciate while avoiding its numerous pitfalls. Read More Read More This newsletter is published by TechTarget, Inc. 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List below, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional assistance, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(‘’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(‘’); }

REMINDER: Open Enrollment ends soon

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Member, you left some top trending content behind

It’s been a while! Hi Member, I wanted to send you some popular research that you may have missed. I hope you find these helpful: 1. 2020 Global State of Enterprise Analytics 2. Top 7 Manufacturing Challenges for 2020 3. Data Science Storytelling Emerges as Top Analytics Skill 4. A Breakdown of 10 Commonly Used SAP ECC Components 5. What’s Most Important in Creating a Supply Chain Management Strategy? Our editors and experts are in the field staying on top of the most pressing industry developments and challenges – and we don’t want you to miss out on insights that can impact your career. Take these resources for example. This is one of the reasons why I encourage you to visit the TechTarget network more frequently. Enjoy, Natasha Carter Associate Director, Engagement and Outreach TechTarget     s This email is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US, Click to: Unsubscribe You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List  

Best of the Best: The Top Sellers of 2019 🥇

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Best of the Best: The Top Sellers of 2019 🥇

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