Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…

Word of the Day

96 <!– Word of the Day body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table, tr, td { vertical-align: top; border-collapse: collapse; } .ie-browser table, .mso-container table { table-layout: fixed; } * { line-height: inherit; } a[x-apple-data-detectors=true] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } [owa] .img-container div, [owa] .img-container button { display: block !important; } [owa] .fullwidth button { width: 100% !important; } [owa] .block-grid .col { display: table-cell; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; } .ie-browser .num12, .ie-browser .block-grid, [owa] .num12, [owa] .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td, .ExternalClass div { line-height: 100%; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num4, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num4 { width: 212px !important; } .ie-browser .mixed-two-up .num8, [owa] .mixed-two-up .num8 { width: 424px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.two-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.three-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.four-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.five-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.six-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.seven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eight-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.nine-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.ten-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.eleven-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .ie-browser .block-grid.twelve-up .col, [owa] .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } @media only screen and (min-width: 660px) { .block-grid { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid .col { vertical-align: top; } .block-grid .col.num12 { width: 640px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 212px !important; } .block-grid.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 424px !important; } .block-grid.two-up .col { width: 320px !important; } .block-grid.three-up .col { width: 213px !important; } .block-grid.four-up .col { width: 160px !important; } .block-grid.five-up .col { width: 128px !important; } .block-grid.six-up .col { width: 106px !important; } .block-grid.seven-up .col { width: 91px !important; } .block-grid.eight-up .col { width: 80px !important; } .block-grid.nine-up .col { width: 71px !important; } .block-grid.ten-up .col { width: 64px !important; } .block-grid.eleven-up .col { width: 58px !important; } .block-grid.twelve-up .col { width: 53px !important; } } @media (max-width: 660px) { .block-grid, .col { min-width: 320px !important; max-width: 100% !important; display: block !important; } .block-grid { width: calc(100% – 40px) !important; } .col { width: 100% !important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth, img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100% !important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0 !important; display: table-cell !important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66% !important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33% !important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25% !important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; max-width: 0px; display: none; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { .block-grid { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col { min-width: 320px!important; max-width: 100%!important; width: 100%!important; display: block!important; } .col > div { margin: 0 auto; } img.fullwidth { max-width: 100%!important; } img.fullwidthOnMobile { max-width: 100%!important; } .no-stack .col { min-width: 0!important; display: table-cell!important; } .no-stack.two-up .col { width: 50%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.mixed-two-up .col.num8 { width: 66%!important; } .no-stack.three-up .col.num4 { width: 33%!important; } .no-stack.four-up .col.num3 { width: 25%!important; } .mobile_hide { min-height: 0px!important; max-height: 0px!important; max-width: 0px!important; display: none!important; overflow: hidden!important; font-size: 0px!important; } } <!– Word of the Day Daily updates on the latest technology terms | August 15, 2019 <!– <!– content services platform A content services platform (CSP) is cloud-based software that enables users to create, share, collaborate on and store text, audio and video content. Content services are purchased through a software as a service (SaaS) delivery model. The evolution of the enterprise content management (ECM) systems to content services platforms reflects a growing shift away from proprietary, self-contained monolithic systems and repositories installed and managed in-house to more modular, open source services that can be purchased on-demand and managed through a cloud provider’s service level agreements (SLAs). Content services platform capabilities A modular, cloud-based approach to content management allows organizations to manage more diverse forms of structured and unstructured content.  Popular features include: The ability to store data a single time by linking multiple repositories with common APIs so different servers are not storing the same content; the CSP serves as a repository of record and a single source of truth. Automatic versioning that allows documents and other data to be displayed in the most recent version by default, with access to previous versions. The ability for authorized users to use, co-edit, share and manipulate documents, images, audio recordings and other content. The ability for users to manage and store the metadata of digitized content. File sync and transfer capabilities in real-time. Ability to add features such as content search, automatic object recognition of images or security services as needed. Content service platform vendors Content services platform vendors include Open Text, Microsoft, IBM, M-Files, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche, Newgen Software, Micro Focus (HPE), iManage, Fabasoft and Objective. Many of the vendors with products in the CSP category have simply expanded their ECM products and spun them into service-oriented architecture platforms with integrated content-related services and microservices, content repositories and tools. <!– <!– Quote of the Day   "To provide full value, CSPs need to better reflect business needs — and organizations need to move beyond the concept of content services and think about business object services." – Laurence Hart <!– <!– Trending Terms   enterprise content management content as a service content delivery content management system web content management content automation <!– <!– Learning Center   The next step in ECM: The content services platform Expert Laurence Hart explains why ECM vendors are taking a new approach to the evolution of the content services platform. Business objects are the future of content services platforms Learn why it may be helpful to think about the future of content services in terms of business object…