Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());

Hot DevOps tools for 2020; gift ideas for geeks; and more

DevOps Digest: A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network   @media print{ #_two50 {’); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table {’); } DevOps Digest A roundup of DevOps content from TechTarget’s network | December 16, 2019 FEATURED STORY 10 DevOps tools vendors to watch in 2020 by Beth Pariseau, Senior News Writer A vast market for DevOps tools includes every major IT vendor and many up-and-comers. A panel of industry experts say these 10 are most likely to shift the market in 2020. Advertisement NEWS   Geek gifts 2019: Think Opex, not Capex with subscriptions Why manage buying your own gifts for geeks, when there are so many subscription gift box services that will do that kind of undifferentiated heavy lifting for you?   Dynatrace monitoring faces market ambivalence in NoOps push Dynatrace is gung-ho about NoOps with training services and an open source tool for CI/CD automation, but may face skepticism from a wary enterprise IT audience.   Put infrastructure automation at the heart of modern IT ops IT automation, DevOps at scale and hybrid infrastructure management are three critical — and interconnected — IT operations initiatives for 2020.   U.S. data shows IT workforce skews younger The IT workforce is getting younger, according to government IT workforce data. The reasons for this are subject to a debate that includes everything from age bias to a heavy reliance on foreign workers. EXPERT ADVICE   Emphasize app modernization in 2020 IT budget plans IT budgeting can be stressful and complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate with business leaders and users to identify — and capitalize on — the right opportunities.   IT security best practices for DevOps, cloud and more Technology is in constant motion, making it difficult for enterprise IT shops to maintain steadfast security. Explore ways to protect DevOps, microservices and cloud environments.   Secure configuration management tasks with a certificate authority A CA server is a limited shield for the data that configuration management tools collect, but IT admins can use one for many tasks — like to create custom certificates — and boost security.   Follow this Jenkins video tutorial to set up a project This Jenkins video tutorial leads IT operations admins through the process of creating a Jenkins project. Follow along to set up an event trigger, introduce plugins and copy a file folder to a new location.   Embrace an app-centric approach to monitoring in the cloud Cloud computing minimizes the need for IT teams to worry about infrastructure hardware — which means their monitoring strategies can, and should, hone in on apps and the user experience.   What is the Puppet configuration management tool, and how does it work? With Puppet, enterprises can manage configurations and simplify the DevOps process as a whole. Grasp how it works, and see if it’s the right choice for your organization. About This E-Newsletter The DevOps Digest is published by TechTarget, Inc., 275 Grove Street, Newton, Massachusetts, 02466 US. Click to: Unsubscribe. You are receiving this email because you are a member of TechTarget. When you access content from this email, your information may be shared with the sponsors or future sponsors of that content and with our Partners, see up-to-date Partners List, as described in our Privacy Policy. For additional information, please contact: © 2019 TechTarget, Inc. all rights reserved. Designated trademarks, brands, logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy | Partners List (function(){var f5_cspm={f5_p:’LJAEFNDINEBEKJEJMIDNKBABDGPBJLCAIKBPNOLHLGDNHBLNFNAPKKOGJAOOKBGHILEPJHHNMILBPNDFFIEPLEBFMMNAPIFEAAEEBPMLLHIBNHFBAAEMHAKANDDLGOJP’,setCharAt:function(str,index,chr){if(index>str.length-1)return str;return str.substr(0,index)+chr+str.substr(index+1);},get_byte:function(str,i){var s=(i/16)|0;i=(i&15);s=s*32;return((str.charCodeAt(i+16+s)-65)<>4)+65));str=f5_cspm.setCharAt(str,(i+s),String.fromCharCode((b&15)+65));return str;},set_latency:function(str,latency){latency=latency&0xffff;str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,48,(latency>>8));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,49,(latency&0xff));str=f5_cspm.set_byte(str,43,2);return str;},wait_perf_data:function(){try{var wp=window.performance.timing;if(wp.loadEventEnd>0){var res=wp.loadEventEnd-wp.navigationStart;if(res<60001){var cookie_val=f5_cspm.set_latency(f5_cspm.f5_p,res);window.document.cookie='f5avr1978677010aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa='+encodeURIComponent(cookie_val)+';path=/';} return;}} catch(err){return;} setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);return;},go:function(){var chunk=window.document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/);for(var i=0;i<chunk.length;++i){var pair=chunk[i].split(/\s*=\s*/);if(pair[0]=='f5_cspm'&&pair[1]=='1234') {var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()-1000);window.document.cookie='f5_cspm=;expires='+d.toUTCString()+';path=/;';setTimeout(f5_cspm.wait_perf_data,100);}}}} f5_cspm.go();}());