Exploring Raw Food Meetup this Sunday Feb 24 at 2pm at LFI
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Living Foods Institute= is not only a great center to rejuvenate, reset and self-care, it is also = a place to connect. The benefits that we witness in gathering, sharing, lau= ghing, helping, networking and learning are amazing. Paula= Branson, the organizer of this Meetup group, will be sharing exci= ting information. She has been working as a Board Member with th= e Center of Nutrition Studies with Dr. T. Colin Campbell, on the Advisory B= oard of PlantPure Communities, and as a Nationally Certified Health= and Wellness Coach specializing in Lifestyle Medicine. Paula is also= helping us combine the best of what Living Foods offers with th= e best of the emerging medical specialty known as Lifestyl= e Medicine. We are working with a team of holistic MDs, psychologists, plan= t-based dietitians, Mindful Communication experts, plant-based chefs, and e= xercise physiologists. We have some = new services to offer to the Atlanta community and would love to= walk you through our new look. Choos= e one of these 3 ways to REGISTER: ($5 entrance free) 1. Directly o= n MEETUP 2. On o= ur Google Online Registration Form 3. By c= alling us at 404.524.4488 Please = REGISTER BEFORE Friday Feb 22. Thank you Until Sunday we would like to = offer you a SPECIAL on our MARCH 15 = & 10-DAY PROGRAMS Tuition Reduced to 50% S= ame great programs, much more included! We are delighted to announce t= his fantastic special. It is a One Time Special, and we hope that you will = take advantage of this opportunity to take care of yourself by detoxing, re= setting your mind and body, and building new healthy habits with us. March 2019 Program dat= es: 15-Day Program is Monday March= 4th through 18th. 10-Day Program is Friday March= 8th through 17th. Call us at 404.524.4488 Love, TULA ~ The Living Foods Lifestyle Team P.S. Which of your loved ones would benefit to= o? Click the button below to share. TULA ~ The Living Foods Inst= itute 1700 Commerce Dr. NW Suite 100 Atlanta, Georgia 30318 404-524-4488 info@livingfoodsinstitute.co= m www.livingfoodsinstitute.com STAY CONNECTED: Living Foods Institute, 1700 Commerce Dr. NW, Su= ite 100, Atlanta, GA 3= 0318 SafeUnsubscribe&trad= e; support@eventsunlimitedrentals.com = For= ward this email | = Update Profile= | About our service provider Sent by info@livingfoodsinstitut= e.com in collaboration with Try i= t free today